Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm On Track (not sure about Levi!)

Well, I am on my way. 

I've been lying low on the running information because I was afraid of jinxing myself.  I was nervous jumping into week 3 (again) after my 2 week hang-up from an ankle injury.  So, I quietly moved through week 3.  But, I've jumped over.  Yesterday I completed Day 1 of Week 4 on my running training plan and the ankles are feeling great!  Here's the plan for the week:

Normally, Levi joins me.  He's great company (and pretty entertaining too!).  Now I'll try to tell this story so you can get a picture in your head.  I would have given anything to have it on video (I might have won $10,000 too!) Well, I guess yesterday he was busy (you know, licking Cooper's ears or seeing how small of a ball he could get his body into) and didn't realize I was on the treadmill until after I had started.  I heard him clumsily fly down the steps and slide sideways into my workout room.  He was soooo excited, he wasn't thinking straight and he jumped on the join me.  The problem: He jumped on through the front!!  He took me out at the knees like a bowling ball and continued to fly back the treadmill until the wall stopped him.  I was torn between tearing eyes over my smashed finger, tearing eyes of laughing REALLY hard and tearing eyes from thinking he might be hurt.  But, before I had to decide which one of those came first, he got up, shook off and jumped back on (this time in the right direction!).  He continued as if nothing happened for the next 35 minutes.  I have to say it was the most excitement I've had on the treadmill!!

Once we recovered from that incident, I had to get myself moving.  I had to be on the FAR east side of York (I was afraid I was going to be attacked by a bear!!  Or a drifter!!) to do a presentation for the board of a non-profit.  One of things my company does is help non-profits increase funding - either by planning events (stay tuned...I'm in the middle of planning a great golf outing for next Fall!) or by pairing them with a company that has an existing program they can plug into that will allow their supporters to increase their giving without digging deeper into their pockets (because, let's face it, there's not a lot at the bottom of most people's pockets right now!).  I was told to expect a casual atmosphere (this is where I went wrong!!!!).  So, I'm picturing a table, with me at the end standing and presenting my slides, handouts, etc.  Oh, how wrong I was.  The only good thing about showing up to a much larger crowd than I expected, standing in front of a very open library and presenting on a screen that was as big as the building itself, was that I only realized I was in that situation 5 minutes before I had to spring into action!  Anyway, I survived and I think they were pleased.   I survived!!!  Onward and upward...

Have a great day!!!

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